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ライフコーチLISA のWho needs Life Coaching?

Mie came to see me because she was very confused about her life. She wanted to have a career. She wanted to live in Hawaii. She also wanted to get married and have a family, someday. Mie didn’t know what was most important to her. Everything seemed to be very important.

As Mie and I explored her “confusion” we discovered that she really knew what she wanted to do right now. She wanted to help people. She wanted to live in Hawaii. She wanted a job that would allow her to use her English language skills. She really knew EXACTLY what she wanted. But, she was afraid to try. She was afraid that she might fail. And, even if she found the courage – how would she figure out how to move to Hawaii?

We ended our third session with Mie having a firm understanding of how she wanted to live the next 5 years. She made a list of the types of jobs she was interested in and the places she wanted to live. She also made a list of the people and organizations in Hawaii who would be able to help her.

To reach this point, Mie meditated and found quiet time for herself so she could decide what was important to her. She also asked herself the questions: What is the worst thing that would happen if I failed? What is the best thing that would happen if I succeeded? From this, she found her courage.

If you know anyone like Mie – someone who wants to try something, but doesn’t know where to begin, please tell them about me! I can help make their good life great!



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=56 |
| 英会話::英語でコーチング | 04:33 PM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
Dreams into Reality

Dreams into Reality

There is a way to achieve every goal you’ve ever set; to make your dreams come true. No, it’s not a magic wand, and it’s not a fairy godmother. YOU can make all your dreams come true by following some very easy steps:

1. Know exactly what you want
2. Focus your attention and effort on it
3. Don’t give up. Believe it will happen.

Many people will ask, how can it be this easy? But, think about it. Have you ever really worked on all 3 steps and not achieved your goal? Most people get stuck on one of the 3 steps.

1. They aren’t clear on their goal. They’re not sure what they really want.
2. Or, they know what they want, but then don’t make any effort to work at it. They hope it will happen someday.
3. Or, they hit an obstacle and get discouraged and give up. They end up thinking – “It will happen to somebody else, not me. I’ll never be that lucky.”

In Life Coaching, I can work with you on all 3 steps.

1. I will help you figure out what you really want.
2. I will help you develop an action plan to achieve it. I will work with you to ensure you act on your plan.
3. I will encourage you and help you find ways to stay motivated until your dream comes true!

Life coaching can make your good life great!



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=53 |
| 英会話::英語でコーチング | 03:26 PM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
How Life Coaching Can Help You
How Life Coaching Can Help You

Malia had a very good job and a husband who was very understanding. She wanted a new career, but knew that it would mean a cut in salary and a move away from Hawaii. She asked her husband if it was okay with him for her to apply for a new the job and he said it was her decision.

Malia came to see me because she was angry with her husband. Her husband would not tell her it was okay to apply for the position. He kept saying it was her decision.

I asked Malia why she needed her husband’s approval. She said she didn’t, but still wanted him to say it was okay. I asked her what it would mean to her if her husband said okay and she said if her husband agreed with the move, he couldn’t blame her if it ended up being a mistake. It would be his fault too!

Once Malia realized she wanted her husband to take the blame for her decision, she was no longer angry with her husband. She was able to make the decision.

Sometimes we don’t understand why we are upset. Sometimes we think we understand, but the reasons are hidden from us. Coaching helps you to see and understand things more clearly.

Life coaching – make your good life great!



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=47 |
| 英会話::英語でコーチング | 05:06 AM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
Life Coaching – make your good life great!

What is Life Coaching?

When you have a life that offers you no choices, it is a very simple life. You just do what needs to be done. No thinking or decisions are necessary because you have no options.

Life gets confusing when you start having choices. What job shall I take? Should I buy a mansion or rent an apartment? What city should I live in? Should I get married? Should I have children now?

Having choices means you have the freedom to make mistakes. That can be so scary! We don’t want to make the wrong decision. We want to be sure we have the perfect answer. And, so life gets more and more confusing because we’re not sure of what we want – we just want it to be perfect.

Life Coaching helps you to sort through your options. As your Coach, I don’t have any answers for you. I have questions that help you figure out your answers for yourself. This is Life Coaching – helping you to live the life you want.

Life Coaching – make your good life great!



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=48 |
| 英会話::英語でコーチング | 05:09 AM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
