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The toughest word in English?




The toughest word in English?

The correct use of articles is probably the most difficult concept to master for ESL students. It sometimes seems that as soon as I explain a “rule”, there is an immediate example on when the rule does not apply!
So, keeping in mind that there are many exceptions, this is an easy rule to remember – you do not use “the” with a proper noun.
Correct: Tomoko and I went shopping at Ala Moana Center.
NOT: The Tomoko and I went shopping at the Ala Moana Center.

Correct: I am going to visit Maui next summer.
NOT: I am going to visit the Maui next summer.
But, of course, here is an exception: Place-names: We usually use “the” with these kinds of place-names:
• seas (the Pacific)
• mountain groups (the Himalayas)
• island groups (the Hawaiian Islands)
• rivers (the Sumida River)
• deserts (the Sahara)
• hotels (the Shinjuku Hilton)
• cinemas and theatres (the Odeon, the Playhouse)
• museums and art galleries (the Bishop Museum)
And, also when the proper noun sounds like an adjective:
Correct: I buy papayas from the Big Island.
NOT: I buy papayas from Big Island.

The only way to master articles is to listen and practice. My mom was an English teacher. She always told me, forget the rules. Listen… and if it sounds funny, it’s probably wrong. So, listen to English on TV or the radio. Read in English! You will begin to notice the patterns and you, too, will be able to tell when it sounds “funny”!


LISA 先生によるスカイプレッスン受付中!

| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=64 |
| 英会話::ライフコーチLISAによる英会話レッスン | 08:43 AM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |




Homo means same or similar. Phone means sound (like telephone). Homophones are words that sound exactly the same, but have different spelling and different meanings.

Bear – Bare Plane – Plain

Tier – Tear Principle – Principal

Because these words sound exactly the same, it is very important to listen for the context to understand the meaning of the word.

Did I hear the word “bear” or “bare? I must listen for the word in the sentence and understand what we are talking about to know which bear/bare is meant.

“I saw a bear in the woods.” I saw the animal “bear” in the woods.

“I saw a bare man in the woods.” I saw a man with no clothes in the woods.

Wow! Both would be quite scary, actually!

Homophones can cause confusion even for native English speakers. Careful listening for the context is critical for understanding.



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=55 |
| 英会話::ライフコーチLISAによる英会話レッスン | 04:31 PM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
Intonation and Stress



Intonation and Stress

I drove to the party.

I drove to the party.

I drove to the party.

I drove to the party.

Each of these sentences has a slightly different meaning. In English, we give stress to certain words to give them meaning. In a conversation, do not listen to the words equally; listen to the stressed words to get clues on the meaning of the sentence.

As a listening comprehension exercise, speak to your native English speaking friends and listen to how they concentrate on the stressed words rather than giving importance to each word. You will soon find that you can understand and communicate more because you begin to listen for stressed words. All those words that you thought you didn't understand are really not crucial for understanding conversation. And, as you become a better listener, you will also begin to be a better speaker as you begin to stress words when you speak. Stressed words are the key to excellent pronunciation and understanding of English.



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=50 |
| 英会話::ライフコーチLISAによる英会話レッスン | 07:54 AM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
American Style of Speaking
LISA によるスカイプ英語レッスンの記事です。



朝 出社前に30分レッスンをとられているビジネスマンもいらっしゃるようです。

American Style of Speaking

Americans like to abbreviate or shorten the words or phrases that they use. These are called acronyms – when you use the first letter of a word or phrase in combination to make a new word.

FYI = For Your Information
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
SOP = Standard Operating Procedures

Americans also use many idioms. Idioms are expressions that have special meaning to the culture and are not necessarily related to the meaning of the words in the phrase:

Small Talk: to talk about things of an unimportant nature
Hump Day: usually Wednesday, the middle of the work week for most people
Heads Up: pay attention; warning that something is coming

Understanding acronyms and idioms helps you to effectively communicate in English, but it would be very difficult to memorize every one. My students learn techniques that help them to understand acronyms and idioms as they come up in conversation. Don’t be a lump on the log!.. learn ways to be a great conversationalist!



| https://www.plus-hawaii.com/blog/elesson/index.php?e=46 |
| 英会話::ライフコーチLISAによる英会話レッスン | 01:55 AM | comments (0) | trackback (x) |
